The Parkot's Coit House Birth with Fika Midwifery and Wholenine Wellness | Buffalo Birth Photographer

An actual written definition of the word support is to bear all or part of the weight of or to hold up. There is no greater place to really feel the meaning behind these words than in birth. Bringing a child into this world is an arduous task, especially when you’re attempting a natural birth without intervention of pain medication. From those in the room alongside a woman in labor, especially for a spouse/significant other, there is a requirement for support like you may have never imagined giving. It requires remaining positive and encouraging even though the mom may be crying out in pain, saying she can’t do it (which by the way, all moms say this; every. single. one. of them). And it may even require actually, physically holding up mom so she can drop down and labor as her body is telling her to. Birth is a heavy experience, and the weight of it is best to be shared with people who you love and trust, and most of all, who you can count on for support.

The Parkots arrived to the Coit House on a wintery Wednesday evening, and just after sunrise welcomed their newest addition, another baby boy to complete their family. This mama worked so hard to bring her baby earthside, and throughout the evening received nothing but love and support from her husband, doula (Rebecca of Wholenine Wellness), and midwife/assistant team (Maura and Sigrid of Fika Midwifery). It was the kind of birth story that gives me all the feels. The support felt in the room was so strong, and when I look back on these images, it puts me right back in those moments all over again. That is my greatest goal as a fly-on-the-wall birth photographer. I want my clients to see moments like this where husband and wife are really leaning into one another, connecting and supporting one another throughout the entire birth experience. Whether it’s a painful moment or a joyous one (because there will be plenty of both!), it’s ALL part of your birth story, and it’s such an honor for me to give you a glimpse of these moments during such a transformational life experience.

If you’re looking to have personalized, holisitic care throughout your pregnancy and birth, I highly recommend Maura and Lydia of Fika Midwifery as well as Rebecca of Wholenine Wellness for your doula needs. And if you are interested in having a home birth-like experience without actually being at home, the Coit House may be just the option you’re looking for. Providing a quiet space to labor, the rooms at the Coit House are fully equipped with plush beds for laboring and rest, a birthing pool, shower, and an assortment of tools on site to help you progress and work through your labor.

Join the team at Fika Midwifery on Tuesday, April 2nd for a Welcome Session presentation to learn more about how you can have a positive and empowering pregnancy and birthing experience!

I respect the privacy of my clients and only share images that are client-approved for sharing.


WNY wedding and portrait photographer with a love of documenting life's unforgettable moments.