How do you and your family spend your weekend mornings? If you are a parent of young children and both you and your spouse work Monday through Friday, chances are the weekends are precious to you for spending time TOGETHER. When you think about how many weekends that ends up breaking down to in a single year, it’s kinda crazy. 52 weekends, which equals approximately 104 weekend days (if you’re lucky) to spend all day together. And I say if you’re lucky, because if your family is like mine, often those weekend days are filled with other obligations – like one or both parents needing to work, chores/housework, birthday parties, family gatherings, grocery shopping… all the things. So how precious are those weekend mornings where you can wake up at a relaxed pace, stay cozy in your jammies for a bit, make breakfast or play together, and just enjoy a slow morning TOGETHER? And maybe, just maybe one of those weekends you’ll invite me in to document the days you love to share together, so you can both be present with your children while being sure to capture all your favorite and most precious parts of your days together right now, before they are fleeting moments? The in-home, documentary-style Real Life Family Sessions I offer (year round!!) are my absolute favorite way to provide lasting memories to my family clients. We can even sprinkle in a few posed photos so you get the best of both worlds, which a heavier emphasis on the really good candid stuff. Just like this in-home family session (with twins) I photographed this past summer in Orchard Park!